Monday, November 18, 2013

Picking My Zombie Slayer

I readily admit I'm a fan of the The Walking Dead. While I'm not a zombie aficionado or the kind of fan who dresses up and sends in their zombified photo, I thoroughly enjoy the show. That is, when I'm not squeezing my eyes closed at some gruesome death. Which is around twenty-five percent of the time, give or take.

Realizing that zombies are all the rage right now, I found myself one day reflecting quite soberly on how I might survive a zombie apocalypse, or z-calypse as I like to think about it, because that many syllables is tiring. Anyway, utilizing the cast on the hit series, I was trying to decide who I would do my utmost best to cower behind. I don't necessarily write that tongue-in-cheek. Why? Because I know my limitations. If left to my own devices, I would be dead meat by the first episode. My idea of a survival kit is toilet paper, Oreos with Double Stuf, lighters, and books. I am, however, smart enough to know I need someone stronger and more equipped to handle such an event than myself if I want to survive.

Which brings me back to cowering.

At first I thought it would be the good sheriff Rick Grimes. But then I realized, while he's smart, protective, relentless, and hard-working, he's a very lean man and at times appears as if a stiff wind would knock him over. Not very assuring.

Then I saw T-dog and was like "yeah baby". This big boy was tough, strong and had a punch like a sledgehammer. Yet his heart was kind. Unfortunately he took one for the team and is now only a fond memory. One I like to think about as sweet music overlaid with hazy images move in slow-mo across my mind.

Now I had to get serious and take a harder and more thoughtful look at who was available. And there he was. Right in front of my face. Daryl Dixon. Sigh. Rugged and a little wild, he's the ultimate survivalist. Though I had my doubts at first, he's become a real go-getter, and not above using whatever it takes to get what he's going after. He's wicked smart, wicked fast and has wicked aim. Not to mention the back view is just as good as the front. Hmm. Sound familiar?

However, a more recent member to the team has started to pique my survival instincts and now I'm torn. Michonne is as relentless as Rick and as wicked fast and accurate with her choice of weapon as Daryl. She carries her confidence like a second skin and her senses are as sharply honed as her katana blade. She's always alert to the sights and scents of danger, much like a jaguar with cubs to protect, and her busy brain never seems to cease.

Decisions, decisions. Thankfully The Walking Dead is only a television show and I won't ever have to make such a difficult choice in order to see another day.

Then again, real life is, at times, stranger than fiction and one never knows what's just around the corner. Shuffling. Moaning. And very, very hungry.

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